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Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul. Psalm 66:16

Hear God’s voice, become the man He sees in you.

Well, it’s finally here! My first book titled The Goal Is Life. And I am really excited about how it has turned out and even more to see what Christ will do with it. I set out to write a message for those who struggle – as I did for many years – with finding the life that is promised unto us -the life Christianity ultimately should offer but is rarely found. This is the synopsis of my book:

If the gospel is intended to set us free, help us discover life, and become more than who we are right now, then why is it that many men struggle with Christianity? Why do so many good men find church so unattractive? Why can’t I as a man find my place in this life?

Forget about tips and techniques; they are fine if you want to create a spreadsheet, bake a cake, or fix your engine. What we need is to rediscover our design. What was God thinking when He created you as a man? What is His offer? And once we find it, how do we become the man God intended us to be from the very beginning?

The gospel is a message of restoration. What we need most is to see our relationship restored with our true Father if we are ever to become the men God sees in us. We must learn to hear His voice.

I believe wholeheartedly that being a Christian man has absolutely nothing to do with religion, with what you know or may think you know, but it has everything to do with relationship and intimacy.  The key is this; there are things in the way of us, actually getting to the life that we should be living. And if we do not hear the truth or no one actually leads us in how to find that life -then we get stuck in life, and that is precisely what your enemy wants for you.

The Goal Is Life is a personal and inspiring book that will challenge you to think more about your personal relationship with God but also show you how to draw closer to Him, hear His voice and so much more.

I hope the book will be an inspiration for you as a man -as my brother in Christ and as a son of the living God.

In love, strength & honour,



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